In the media

CVX in Børsen: Liberal Alliance wants to close down EIFO – but is it the right solution?

By Mikkel Fruergaard, CEO of CVX Ventures (The debate post was published in the Danish newspaper Børsen d. February 21, 2024) The spotlight is now on the Danish political party Liberal Alliance due to rising polls. These days, it is being highlighted that the party wants to close down the Danish Export and Investment Fund […]

CVX in Børsen: Liberal Alliance wants to close down EIFO – but is it the right solution? Read More »

CVX in Børsen: Give the Danish growth companies the necessary framework

The debate post was published in the Danish newspaper Børsen by Mikkel Fruergaard, Group CEO. In Denmark, we often face a challenge: the tendency to write off and suspect the wealthy. But behind every non-inherited fortune is a unique story of significant risk-taking – a trait that is often overlooked. At CVX Ventures, we see

CVX in Børsen: Give the Danish growth companies the necessary framework Read More »

Danish Taxes are a roadblock for entrepreneurial progress

The debate post was published in the Danish Newspaper Børsen by Mikkel Fruergaard, CEO. At CVX Ventures, we help entrepreneurs gain access to venture capital, and here we face daily challenges that hinder the growth of Danish entrepreneurship. One of these problems is tax rules that penalize investing in startups when more than seven investors

Danish Taxes are a roadblock for entrepreneurial progress Read More »

Mia Wagner as Danish Minister for Gender Equality: Gender quotas on boards?

This opinion piece was published in the Danish newspaper Berlingske by our Head of Board & Advisory, Katrine Gilberg. While gender quotas can offer a path to increased female representation on boards, there is a risk that they can overshadow the true focus on skills and qualifications. With the appointment of entrepreneur Mia Wagner as

Mia Wagner as Danish Minister for Gender Equality: Gender quotas on boards? Read More »

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