New Investor and Board Member Added to Servicelovers through CVX Partner Network

CVX is proud to announce that Servicelovers has expanded their team with experienced entrepreneur and businessman, Philip Brechmann, as an investor and board member.

Servicelovers is a company specialized in providing innovative solutions within the service industry, with a focus on improving customer experience and satisfaction through technological advancements and efficient processes.

Philip brings an impressive background and expertise in technology and business development, which will play a key role in leading Servicelovers’ strategic growth.

With more than 15 years of experience, Philip has established and led successful businesses and demonstrated a strong understanding of automation, technology and sustainable profitability. As co-founder of Flight Aid, Philip has shown his commitment and leadership in building a business from scratch and leading it to a successful exit.

Christian Brauner, founder of Servicelovers, expresses his excitement: “We at Servicelovers are super happy to welcome Philip Brechmann as an investor and board member. After a good process through CVX Ventures, we have found the right profile and competence to help the company move forward. With his technical insight combined with a strong commercial understanding, Philip will contribute to the development focus on both time-to-market and the right development initiatives.”

With the addition of Philip Brechmann to the Servicelovers team, CVX is confident that the company will continue to thrive and drive innovation in the service industry. We wish Philip and Servicelovers all the best on their future journey, and we are proud to have been a part of this exciting development.

Press enquiries

Kim Jessica Axholt, CMO

Mikkel Fruergaard, CEO

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