Cooking platform raises a six-figure amount

Chefme, the cooking platform, has raised an investment round of approximately 5 million, which will be used to strengthen its position as the Nordic leader. Among the investors are a former clothing entrepreneur and a Dutch-founded accelerator fund.
“When we first invested in Chefme back in 2019, it was largely thanks to Thomas’ entrepreneurial talent – he has persistence, passion and a vision for change,” says Mark Durno, managing partner for Agrifood under Rockstart I Photo: PR/Chefme

The chef platform Chefme, founded by Thomas Mamburay, has in a pre-seed round led by, among others, investor Bjørn Bruun raised an amount corresponding to DKK 5.3 million.

At the same time, the Dutch investment fund Rockstart announces that it is co-investing in Chefme, which is already a Rockstart Agrifood portfolio company. It also says that it plans to use the capital injection to strengthen its position as the Nordic region’s leading chef platform, just as it has plans to expand into new markets, develop new functions and train chefs.

“When we first invested in Chefme back in 2019, it was largely thanks to Thomas’ entrepreneurial talent – he has persistence, passion and a vision for change. Over the years, Thomas has guided Chefme through very tough times such as the covid-19 pandemic, and he has mastered his talent in the process. We are happy to continue our investment in Chefme and to continue our collaboration with Thomas and the Chefme team,” says Mark Durno, managing partner for Agrifood under Rockstart.

Chefme is a platform that enables users to hire a private chef for events such as weddings, dinner parties or corporate events.

Read the full article at KapWatch right here.

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