CVX Ventures recruits new chairman for Shark Gaming

CVX Ventures has advised Shark Gaming in their recruitment for a new Chairman. Through CVX Ventures, Morten Viktor will take up a key position to help ensure growth within Shark Gaming.

Shark Gaming, a prominent player in the gaming industry, welcomes Morten Viktor as their new board member, a move facilitated by CVX Ventures. This strategic addition is set to bring newfound competencies to the company, positioning them for further expansion and diversification. CVX Ventures, connected Shark Gaming with Morten Viktor

Oscar Thybo, Board and Advisory Manager, expressed his enthusiasm for the successful collaboration, stating, “Working with Shark Gaming has been a pleasure. Working with Daniel the CEO has been great. He’s really ambitious and has a strong vision for the company and I believe the company will achieve great things. I am confident Morten Viktor will have a significant impact within Shark Gaming and in their future.”

Shark Gaming operates a successful B2C business in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, with over 1 million unique users annually and a strong social media presence with over 100,000 followers on various channels. 

The company also sells to major retail stores such as German Mediamarkt, Netonnet, and Leclerc and builds OEM products for Power and Verkkokauppa. Additionally, they sell to selected partners like Atea and game developers in their B2B operations. Shark Gaming’s expected revenue B2C is 100+ million DKK as well as a revenue B2B is over 40+ million DKK

Shark Gaming provides a comprehensive range of gaming equipment, including peripherals and accessories such as Gaming desktops and Laptops, chairs, monitors, headsets, keyboards, and mousepads. They offer a diverse selection of desktops, both pre-built and customised, as well as gaming laptops designed for mid to high-end performance, which are customised to meet the specific demands of individual gamers.

Shark Gaming’s partnership with CVX Ventures serves as an excellent example of how businesses can gain value through strategic collaborations and the use of a strong board.

 If your company is also looking to take the next step in expansion and attract top talent, just like Shark Gaming, CVX Ventures is always ready to assist with active board members, advisors, or investors. For more information, please reach out to Oscar Thybo at, and discover how CVX Ventures can help your business reach new heights.

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