Fabian Rietz, Parter Relations


My name is Fabian and I’m part of our Swedish Partner Relations team. At Partner Relations, we connect talented business professionals with the investment and board opportunities we offer at CVX.


With a broad expertise in sales, finance, law and marketing, I am a valuable resource in Partner Relations at CVX. I actively contribute to strategic investment plans and work closely with partners and stakeholders to identify and realize potential in companies.


My background in entrepreneurship provides a unique perspective that combines analytical thinking with the necessary discipline. With a passionate and committed approach to entrepreneurship and an understanding of how important it is for growth companies to access capital or expertise to succeed, I thrive in this area of the venture capital market and help attract the right profiles so we can succeed together.

The casual side of corporate

I live in Malmö and outside of work I spend most of my time being active through exercise and spending time with family and friends.

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Har du spørgsmål?

Så er du velkommen til at kontakte Investment Manager, Sara Nahon, på sn@portal.cvx.vc.

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Hvis du har spørgsmål til, hvordan vi investerer eller hjælper med bestyrelsesposter, så kan du booke et møde herunder: 

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Spørgsmål omkring bestyrelse?

Oscar Thybo, Senior Manager of Board & Advisory

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Spørgsmål omkring partnere?

Joakim Herrestrup, Head of Partner Relations

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