Asger Davids, Parter Relations


My name is Asger. I’m part of the Partner Relations team, where we handle interactions with potential and new partners. My focus is primarily on understanding the needs of businesses to find the right partners to welcome on their growth journeys.


From an academic background, I graduated with a BSc in Business Administration. In terms of work, my experience is primarily in sales, marketing and consulting.


It’s super exciting to be introduced to the different growth companies early on in their journey and follow them as they develop. It is further rewarding to talk to various interesting profiles from the business world and contribute to the value and opportunities CVX creates for its partners and portfolio companies.

The casual side of corporate

Outside of work, I spend most of my time with my girlfriend, family and friends. I also love working out and being physically active. If I really want to relax, I want it to be south of the Danish borders.

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Har du spørgsmål?

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Spørgsmål omkring bestyrelse?

Oscar Thybo, Senior Manager of Board & Advisory

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Spørgsmål omkring partnere?

Joakim Herrestrup, Head of Partner Relations

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